Sunday, November 14, 2010

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Trailer

HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS has been unleashed aloft the apple tonight (or you can see it in theatres this weekend absorbed to LEGEND OF THE GUARDIANS)… and, if you didn’t anticipate it looked ballsy abundant before, this should absolutely amuse you.

It about feels as if there is too abundant activity on in this bivouac at times, as the quick bivouac adapt absolutely throws a lot at you. But back things do apathetic down, there are absolutely a few things that absolutely angle out to me: the acknowledgment of Dobby, who plays a above role in the finale, for one… additionally the admittance of the wedding, which I wasn’t abiding was activity to accomplish the cut. It’s additionally appealing bright that some of the shots are meant to booty advantage of the 3-D, such as the bus branch appropriate appear us and Nagini the snake accepting all up in our faces.

However, Part 1 appears as if it’s planning to get as abundant in as accessible in architecture up appear Part 2. This aboriginal bisected looks to be all about the setup, while the accurate catastrophe is activity to be one badly absurd 2 1/2 battle. Bad bits is on the way. We’ve been architecture to that for 6 books/movies already. The afterpiece will cull no punches, and is on the way to accepting darker than annihilation we’ve apparent before.

I wasn’t a big fan of how the blur adaptation captivated up HALF-BLOOD PRINCE… but it looks like they’re activity all out for this one, and I’m optimistic they’ll do DEATHLY HALLOWS justice. After all, isn’t that why they breach this one in half…? To do it right…?

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